
Are you interested in agile software development methodologies, like Extreme Programming, Scrum, Lean Development, FDD, Crystal, Kanban….?

All agile methodologies have some common principles and values, with an emphasis on individuals, interactions, delivery of working software, collaboration, responding to change and reflection. The different characteristics of the methods make them suitable for different circumstances.

The user group is here to share experiences with you, teach new useful techniques and to support everyone who wants to improve their software development processes. Come to our user group meetings to meet other people who use agile methods, or want to use it or just want to know what it really is.Join the discussion in the Agile Belgium mailing list or on Twitter.

Agile Games

Games are a fun and powerful way to learn. You can download the XP Game (experience 3 iterations in an Agile team) and the Business Value Game (experience the role of Product Manager of an Agile team) from this site.