Agile Drinkup February 2012

Hi Everyone,

As usual, it’s time for our next Drinkup. It will take place on February 15th at 7 p.m. This time I’ll make sure I’m working from Brussels so I don’t get there late… Sorry again for those who had to wait last time.

It will still take place at the Estaminet du Kelderke on the Grand Place itself number 15.

Here’s a link to the website of the place.

If you want to join, please register here so we can book a suitable table.

See you there,

Agile Belgium Drinkup January 2012

Hi everyone,

Now that the holidays are over, it’s time to get back to the good old habits isn’t it?

Last december, we had a retrospective of the 7 previous drinkups, you can find more about it in my last post.

This time, it’s going to be at the “Estaminet du Kelderke” on the Grand Place itself. It should be quieter, we can also eat some belgian cuisine there but the drawback is that beers are going to be more expensive than at the Delirium, I guess we’ll talk more and drink a little less 😉

Here’s a link to the website of the place.

Wednesday 18 at 7pm, next drinkup, and as usual you can already register here.

We’ll pick a few activities in the list we gathered during the retrospective and see how we can make the other initiatives for the community to move forward.

See you on Wednesday!

Agile Belgium Drinkup 2011 Retrospective

I’d like to start by wishing you all a wonderful year 2012. May it be a amazing year for you an your family.

You probably know that two weeks ago, before the holidays, we had a small retrospective about the drinkups from 2011. I grouped them in categories.

Feedback about the place

– Find a quieter place
– A place we can eat as well

I’m looking around for places like that close to the Grand Place of Brussels that are not too crowded. If you have any suggestion please contact me or post a comment.

We talked about sessions that we could do for some drinkups. The goal is not to do an XP user group meeting, we already have that, and the drinkup should stay different with an informal fashion around it, but we could have some small sessions now and then.

Sessions we could do during the drinkups

– Speed problem dating (I have a problem, how would you solve it? Each person gives a quick answer, no discussion, thank you!, next!)
– a DIY session (something with a construction kit, maybe some lego serious play)
– Have a small 5 minutes skype call with an “Agile star”
– Sharing conference experience
– 300 seconds talk
– Small demo of an agile technique, dev or coaching skill
– Bring/share a book (bring a book you liked, lend it to someone)
– A psychiatrist couch session
– Have some Agile stars that are in Belgium from time to time to join us

Some games we could play

– Explain Agile to the barman
– Speaker wolves

Other things related to the drinkup

– Blog about the drinkups

There were also some things not directly related to the drinkups themselves.

– Organize an Agile Belgium book club
– Organize Agile Belgium lunches with people working in the same area
– Organize an Agile Belgium picnic during the summer

So here’s the raw content of the retrospective, if you weren’t there and you want to add anything more or react to any items, feel free to send an email to the mailing list or comment here.

I can also announce that the next Agile Belgium Drinkup will take place on the 18th of January. I’m still not convinced about the places I found so I’ll keep looking. I’ll post a new event on the website and here as soon as possible.

Again, all the best for 2012, see you at the next Drinkup!