Let’s play Agile Games
As you may know, every month, the Agile Belgium Community organizes Drinkups, See here for more details. During the drinkups of February, several participants told us they would like to have an evening with an agenda, preferably on the topic of Agile Games.
In March we decided to relaunch the Agile Belgium User Groups by organizing a first Agile Games Night @ Touring Insurance. You can have a look at this past event here.
We are happy to announce you that we will organize a second User Group on the same theme: The Agile Games Night II on 06/06/2013.
Practical Informations:
What’s that event concretely ?
An Agile user group is a group of people who enjoy using Agile methods (Scrum, XP, KanBan,…) who meet regularly to discuss the use of those methods, share knowledge and experience, hear from peers and hold other related activities. They may host special interest workgroups, often focusing on one particular aspect of Agile. This User group will be focussed on Agile Games, we will also briefly discuss the Agile Belgium Community’s events.
What are Agile Games about ?
Agile Games are…games we usually use to teach about Agile. They can be very general e.g. experience what is Scrum through a game. Or they can be focussed on one topic e.g. planning. It’s a fun and powerful way of learning.
If you want to know more about Agile Games you can check the links at the end of the post.
When is this user group ?

Agile Games Night I
6 of June 2013, Welcome begin at 17.30 and we finish at 21.00.
Food and drinks will be provided by our host.
How much does it cost?
It’s free, but for security and organizational reasons it’s mandatory to register in advance!
How do I register?
Follow this link. You will have to register to www.meetup.com, it’s easy and quick.
Where is it?
The host of our User Group will be the Company Ogone.
Woluwedal/Boulevard de la Woluwe 102
B-1200 Brussel/Bruxelles Belgium.
You have free parking facilities between Ogone and the China embassy. It’s a 10′ walk from the metro station Rodebeek.
Do we have an agenda ? Which games will we play ?
Agenda will be published later, for those of you that were present at Touring, we will play different games and set the agenda based on games you asked.
May I facilitate a Game ?

For some games, we often use Lego bricks
You know a great Game and you would like to facilitate it during the Agile Games night II ? No problem! Send me an email: bruno.sbille@gmail.com
Please note that we will be dependant on the number of attendees.
You are a company and you would like to welcome one of our next User Groups ?
Thanks for your support! Send me an email: bruno.sbille@gmail.com and we will discuss practical matters.
You want to support the Agile Community ?
Please like our Facebook Page, speak about our events and retweet us.
You want to be aware on what’s happening in the Agile Community ?
Check our Facebook Page, our Meetup Page or our Blog.
You can find more games and simulations at the following excellent sites:
- Tasty Cupcakes
- Agile Coach
- Agile Fairytales
- Innovation Games
- Lego Serious Play
- Agile Games Google group
Thanks in advance for your presence, hope to see you at the Agile Games Night II.
For the Agile Belgium Community,
Pictures: Conference Play4Agile 2013, Agile Games Night I