Hi everyone,
Now that the holidays are over, it’s time to get back to the good old habits isn’t it?
Last december, we had a retrospective of the 7 previous drinkups, you can find more about it in my last post.
This time, it’s going to be at the “Estaminet du Kelderke” on the Grand Place itself. It should be quieter, we can also eat some belgian cuisine there but the drawback is that beers are going to be more expensive than at the Delirium, I guess we’ll talk more and drink a little less
Here’s a link to the website of the place.
Wednesday 18 at 7pm, next drinkup, and as usual you can already register here.
We’ll pick a few activities in the list we gathered during the retrospective and see how we can make the other initiatives for the community to move forward.
See you on Wednesday!